Distal Tibiofibular Glides

Tiếng Việt:

  • Trượt khớp chày- mác dưới


  • To improve all motions of the talocrural joint
  • Cải thiện các vận động của khớp cổ chân

Accessory Motion Technique

  • Patient Position:
    • Supine with foot supported on table in neutral position
    • Posterior glide in supine, anterior glide in prone
  • Clinician Position and Hand Placement:
    • Stand at the foot of pt facing cephalad
    • Stabilizing contact: Provided by table & “lumbrical grip” of clinician over tibia/fibula
    • Mobilizing contact: Heel of hand contacts distal aspect of tibia/fibula
  • Force Application:
    • While stabilizing the tibia, a posterior or anterior glide is imparted to the fibula.
    • While stabilizing the fibula, a posterior or anterior glide is imparted to the tibia.
Distal tibiofibular posterior glide. 

Hôm nay là ngày 15-01-2025

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