Hip Distraction

Hip Distraction


  • Testing; initial treatment; pain control; general mobility.
  • (Chỉ định để đánh giá, bắt đầu điều trị, kiểm soát đau, tăng vận động chung)

Accessory Motion Technique

  • Patient Position: supine position with the hip in the open-packed position.
  • Clinician Position & Hand Placement:
    • Stand at the patient’s feet in a stride stance facing cephalad.
    • The patient’s body weight provides stabilization, which can be enhanced by placing the foot of the contralateral leg on the table.
    • A belt may be utilized at the patient’s pelvis for additional stabilization.
    • Both of your hands grasps the patient’s distal tibia/fibula just proximal to the ankle (or above the knee if knee pathology exists).
    • You may also use a mobilization belt around your gluteals and the patient’s leg to reinforce your hand contacts.
  • Force Application: While maintaining your hand contacts, shift your weight from your front to your back foot. You may also move the patient’s hip in the direction of greatest restriction, while maintaining hand contacts and distraction force throughout the range of motion.
Hip distraction (kéo tách khớp háng theo trục đầu – đuôi, khớp háng ở tư thế nghỉ OPP)

Hôm nay là ngày 08-03-2025

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