Frenchay Activities Index (FAI)

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  • The Frenchay Activities Index (FAI) is a measure of instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) for use with patients recovering from stroke. The FAI assesses a broad range of activities associated with everyday life that patient has participated in within the recent past, broken into 3 domains: domestic chores, leisure/work, and outdoor activities.
  • The frequency with which each item or activity is undertaken over the past 3-6 months (depending on the nature of the activity) is assigned a score of 1 – 4 where a score of 1 is indicative of the lowest level of activity.
  • The scale provides a summed score from 15 – 60.
  • A modified 0-3 scoring system introduced by Wade et al. (1985) yields a score of 0 – 45.

Use the following EVALUATION FORM to evaluate your patient and PRINT THE FORM when the evaluation is completed.


Holbrook, M., & Skilbeck, C. E. (1983). An activities index for use with stroke patients. Age and Ageing, 12(2), 166–170.

Schuling, J., de Haan, R., Limburg, M., & Groenier, K. H. (1993). The Frenchay Activities Index. Assessment of functional status in stroke patients. Stroke, 24, 1173–1177.

Carter, J., Mant, F., Mant, J., Wade, D., & Winner, S. (1997). Comparison of postal version of the Frenchay Activities Index with interviewer-administered version for use in people with stroke. Clinical Rehabilitation, 11(2), 131–138.

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