Mayo Wrist Score

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Originally published in 1987 in Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, the Modified Mayo Wrist Score is an adaption of the Green and O’Brien score that involved the removal of the radiographic evaluation section as well as the modification of the point assignments for the remaining questions.

The Modified Mayo Wrist Score requires both patient and physician participation in order to assess pain, the active flexion/extension arc (in comparison with the contralateral side), grip strength (in comparison with the contralateral side), and the ability to return to regular employment or activities.

Scores range from 0 to 100 with a score of 0 indicating a worse wrist condition and 100 indicating a better wrist condition. (Excellent: 90-100 points, good: 80-89 points, fair: 65-79 points, poor <65 points.)

Use the following EVALUATION FORM to evaluate your patient and PRINT THE FORM when the evaluation is completed.


Original Literature:

Cooney, W. P., et al. “Difficult wrist fractures. Perilunate fracture-dislocations of the wrist.” Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 214 (1987): 136-147.

Additional Literature:

Green, David P., and Eugene T. O’Brien. “Open reduction of carpal dislocations: indications and operative techniques.” The Journal of hand surgery 3.3 (1978): 250-265.

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