Mill Manipulation

Tên tiếng Anh/Việt

  • Proximal Radioulnar Anterior High-Velocity Thrust (Mill Manipulation)
  • Đẩy quay trụ gần ra trước tốc độ cao, kéo nắn Mill


  • increase mobility, or to reduce pain, may be effective for chronic cases of recalcitrant lateral epicondylalgia.
  • Tăng vận động, giảm đau, có thể hiệu quả trong đau lồi cầu ngoài kháng trị


  • Patient Position: standing position with the elbow in 20 degrees of flexion, the forearm fully pronated, and the wrist flexed and ulnarly deviated.
  • Clinician Position and Hand Placement: Stand behind the patient and on the ipsilateral side of the elbow being mobilized. Place the thumb of your mobilization hand at the posterior aspect of the radial head as your other hand flexes and ulnarly deviates the patient’s wrist and controls the position of the elbow.
  • Force Application: Apply an anteriorly directed force through the radial head contact as you bring the elbow toward end-range extension with your other hand. At end range, apply a short amplitude, high velocity thrust to the radial head while maintaining wrist flexion and ulnar deviation.


  • Christopher H. Wise, Dawn T. Gulick. Mobilization Notes: Rehabilitation Specialist’s Pocket Guide. F. A. Davis Company, 2009.
  • Christopher H. Wise. Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy: FROM ART TO EVIDENCE. F. A. Davis Company. 2015.
  • Carolyn Kisner, Lynn Allen Colby, John Borstad. Therapeutic exercise : foundations and techniques, Seventh edition. F.A. Davis Company. 2018

Hôm nay là ngày 10-03-2025

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