PNF Technique: Agonistic Reversals

  • The agonistic reversal technique, (or combination of isotonics) is used to facilitate functional movement throughout a pattern or task.
  • Both concentric and eccentric contractions of the agonist musculature are used. 


  • The focus of the technique is to promote functional stability in a smooth, controlled manner (controlled mobility). 
  • Other goals include increasing muscle strength and endurance, improving coordination, and training eccentric control. 


  • To implement the technique, a concentric contraction of the agonist muscle group(s) is resisted, through a specific direction, and range of the chosen pattern or task. 
  • At the desired endpoint of the movement, the patient holds isometrically against resistance. 
  • The clinician then resists the patient’s slow, controlled return toward the beginning of the movement pattern, promoting an eccentric contraction. 
  • The patient holds again at the completion of the eccentric phase to further encourage stability in this range. 
  • In summary, the technique begins with resistance to a concentric contraction, followed by a stabilizing hold, resistance to an eccentric contraction, and another stabilizing hold. 
  • The agonist muscle groups are targeted throughout this sequence.

Hôm nay là ngày 22-12-2024

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