Pain Self Efficacy Questionnaire (PSEQ)

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The Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (PSEQ) was originally described in a 1989 presentation at the Annual Conference of the British Psychological Society, and later more rigorously characterized in terms of its psychometric properties in 2007 in the European Journal of Pain.

The purpose of the questionnaire is to examine the confidence that individuals have in their ability to perform certain tasks (also known as self-efficacy) despite their pain.

The PSEQ is a 10-item questionnaire, where patients rate their confidence from 0 points (not at all confident) to 6 points (completely confident). Total scores are calculated by summing the individual items with a range from 0 points (less self-efficacy) to 60 points (more self-efficacy).

Use the following EVALUATION FORM to evaluate your patient and PRINT THE FORM when the evaluation is completed.


Original Literature:

  • Nicholas Michael K. Self‐efficacy and chronic pain. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the British Psychological Society, St. Andrews, Scotland; 1989
  • Nicholas, Michael K. “The pain self‐efficacy questionnaire: Taking pain into account.” European Journal of Pain 11.2 (2007): 153-163.

Validation Literature:

  • Di Pietro, Flavia, et al. “Rasch analysis supports the use of the pain self-efficacy questionnaire.” Physical Therapy 94.1 (2014): 91-100.

Additional Literature:

  • Miles, Clare L., et al. “Measuring pain self-efficacy.” The Clinical Journal of Pain 27.5 (2011): 461-470

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