Subtalar Distraction and Glides

Kéo, Trượt vào trong và ra ngoài khớp dưới sên (sên -gót)


  • Distraction to improve all physiologic motions of subtalar joint
  • Medial & lateral glide to improve rearfoot ev & inv, respectively

Accessory Motion Technique:

  • Patient Position:
    • Prone with dorsum of foot off edge of table
    •  Alternate position of side-lying with foot to be mobilized uppermost & knee flexed
  • Clinician Position and Hand Placement:
    • Stand on the ipsilateral side of the foot being mobilized facing caudally or sitting on the table with the patient’s posterior thigh in contact with your back.
    • Stabilizing contact: Holds distal leg on table or stabilizes through flexed knee in contact with clinician’s body
    • Mobilizing contact: Grasps posterior calcaneus with heel of hand or both hands grasp calcaneus.
  • Force Application:
    • Impart a caudally directed force parallel to the long axis of the leg through your mobilization hand or hands.
Subtalar distraction, medial, and lateral glide. 

Subtalar distraction

Subtalar lateral glide in prone position

Hôm nay là ngày 09-03-2025

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