Từ Điển Tiếng Anh Chuyên Ngành Phục Hồi Chức Năng

Tra cứu từ vựng (glossary) tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Vật lý trị liệu – Phục hồi chức năng.

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Thuật ngữ PHCN

Hiện có 67 thuật ngữ trong bảng thư mục này bắt đầu với chữ F.

false negative
âm tính giả. Statistical research term indicating the rate of negative results on a diagnostic test when disease was actually present

false positive
dương tính giả

Statistical research term indicating the rate of positive results on a diagnostic test when no disease was actually.

Thuật ngữ nghiên cứu thống kê chỉ ra tỷ lệ kết quả dương tính trong xét nghiệm chẩn đoán khi thực tế không có bệnh.

family therapy
gia dình trị liệu. Intervention that focuses on the context of the entire family system

cân, mạc. A thin layer of connective tissue covering, supporting, or connecting the muscles or inner organs of the body

máy giật cơ. A small local contraction of muscles, visible through the skin, representing a spontaneous discharge of a number of fibers innervated by a single motor nerve filament

viêm cân, mạc. Inflammation of a fascia

fat emboli
thuyên tắc mỡ. Embolus formed by an ester of glycerol with fatty acids, which cause a clot in the circulatory system and can result in vessel obstruction

mệt. State of exhaustion or loss of strength and endurance; decreased ability to maintain a contraction at a given force

feed-forward control
. Refers to the postural control mechanism of automatic responses that occurs during an intentional displacement of the center of gravity, as during voluntary movement

phản hồi. Knowledge of the results of an individual's performance to the extent that the individual's behavior is changed or reinforced in a desirable direction

feedback control
. Refers to the postural control mechanism of automatic responses that occurs when there is a displacement of one's center of gravity that is not under voluntary control. Automatic postural responses

festinating gait
. Patient walks on his or her toes as pushed. Starts slowly, increases, and may continue until the patient grasps an object in order to stop (eg, in Parkinson's disease)

fetal growth retardation
chậm phát triển thai. Condition of babies who are especially small for their gestational age at birth

thai. Describes the baby from the 8th week after conception until birth

Phần trăm dung tích sống có thể thở ra trong 1 phút. The percentage of the vital capacity that can be expired in 1 minute

rung. Small, local involuntary muscle contraction


A whitish, insoluble protein formed from fibrinogen by the action of thrombin, as in the clotting of blood. Fibrin forms the essential portion of a blood clot.

Một loại protein màu trắng, không hòa tan được hình thành từ fibrinogen do tác động của trombin, như trong quá trình đông máu. Fibrin tạo thành phần thiết yếu của cục máu đông.

nguyên bào sợi. Chief cell of connective tissue responsible for forming the fibrous tissues of the body, such as tendons and ligaments

xơ hoá.

Formation of fibrous tissue, fibroid degeneration

trung thực.

Duty to be faithful to the client and the client's best interest; includes the mandate to keep all client information confidential.

Nghĩa vụ trung thành với khách hàng và vì lợi ích tốt nhất của khách hàng; bao gồm nhiệm vụ giữ bí mật tất cả thông tin khách hàng.

figure ground
hình - nền.

A person's ability to distinguish shapes and objects from the background in which they exist.

Khả năng của một người phân biệt các hình dạng và vật thể với nền mà chúng tồn tại.

fine motor coordination
điều hợp vận động tinh. Motor behaviors involving manipulative, discreet finger movements, and eye/hand coordination

fine motor pattern of development
mẫu phát triển vận động tinh. Mastery of smaller mus des (eg, fingers); takes place after gross-motor development

first stage of labor
. Initial part of labor when the cervix effaces and dilates to 10 cm; includes the early, active, and transition phases

khe hở, nứt. Any cleft or groove

dò. Abnormal tube-like duct or passage from a normal cavity or tube to a free surface or another cavity

. Muscle that contracts to brace one bone, to which a mover attaches

. State of low tone in the muscle that produces weak and floppy limbs

linh hoạt, mềm dẻo

Range of motion at a joint or in a sequence of joints.

Tầm vận động ở một khớp hoặc một nhóm các khớp.

flexion (FLEX)
gấp. Act of bending a body part

. Refers to the fetus floating within the uterus in the abdomen above the bony pelvis

. Optimal experience

. Dry whirlpool (ie, the application of dry heat through a fluidotherapy machine)

focal epilepsy
Động kinh cục bộ

Jerking or stiffening of many muscles on the same side of the body that crosses over to the opposite side and then continues. The person does not fully lose consciousness, but consciousness is altered.

Giật hoặc cứng nhiều cơ ở cùng một bên cơ thể, chuyển sang phía đối diện rồi tiếp tục. Người bị không mất ý thức hoàn toàn nhưng ý thức bị thay đổi.

. Social customs to which people generally conform; traditional patterns of life common to a people

follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
Nội tiết tố kích thích nang trứng.

One of the gonadotropic hormones of the anterior pituitary, which stimulates the growth and maturation of graafian follicles in the female and spermato-genesis in the male.

Một trong những hormone hướng sinh dục của tuyến yên trước, có tác dụng kích thích sự phát triển và trưởng thành của nang trứng ở nữ và tạo tinh trùng ở nam.

foot-drop splint
Nẹp cho bàn chân rũ

Splint used to prevent the development of plantar flexion contractures

. Product of mass and acceleration; a kinematic measurement that encompasses the amount of matter, velocity, and its rate of change of velocity; also strength, energy, and power

force couple
. Body being acted upon by two equal and parallel forces from opposite directions; the points of application of these forces must be on opposite sides of the object and be operating at some distance apart from one another

force plate
. An embedded plate used to measure the force that a person exerts when walking

. Locked tong-like obstetrical instruments used to aide in the delivery of the fetal presenting part

fracture (Ex)
Gãy xương

Pertaining to broken bone(s)

fragile X syndrome
. Sexlinked disorder in males that results when the bottom tip of the long arm of the X chromosome is pinched offer.

frame of reference
. Organization of interrelated, theoretical concepts used in practice

frank breech
. Position of the fetus in which both legs are flexed against the abdomen and the sacrum is the presenting part

Frank-Starling mechanism
. The intrinsic ability of the adapt to changing volumes of inflowing blood.

free radicals
. Any molecule that contains one or more unpaired electrons. Changes in cells that result from the presence of free radicals are thought to result in aging

. Allows the individual to exercise choice and to demonstrate independence, initiative, and self-direction

. A thrill or vibration, especially one that is perceptible on palpation

Fresnel prism
. Prism applied to a person's glasses that shifts images toward the center of the visual field

. Surface damage caused by skin rubbing against another.

frontal plane
. Runs side to side, dividing the body into front and back portions

. To injure the tissues of the body by exposure to intense cold

. The intermediate point of force application of a three or four-point bending construction entity on which a lever moves

full-thickness skin loss
. Third degree bum or wound in which skin is completely destroyed and underlying structures (eg. muscles, vessels) can be visualized

bạo phát, phát bất thình lình, phát mau chóng

Sudden; severe; occurring suddenly and with great intensity

chức năng. Those activities identified by an individual as essential to support physical, social, and psychological well-being and to create a personal sense of meaningful living. Performance; action

functional assessment
lượng giá chức năng. Observation of motor performance and behavior to determine if a person can adequately perform the required tasks of a particular role or setting

functional electrical stimulation (FES)
kích thích điện chức năng (FES)

Stimulation of nerves from surface electrodes in order to activate specific muscle groups for facilitating function

Kích thích dây thần kinh từ các điện cực bề mặt nhằm kích hoạt các nhóm cơ cụ thể để hỗ trợ chức năng

functional limitation
hạn chế chức năng.

Restriction of the ability to perform a physical action, activity, or task in an efficient, typically expected, or competent manner.

Hạn chế khả năng thực hiện một hành động, hoạt động hoặc nhiệm vụ thể chất một cách hiệu quả, thường được mong đợi hoặc thành thạo.

functional mobility
vận động di chuyển chức năng. Moving from one position or place to another, such as in-bed mobility, wheelchair mobility; and transfers; performing functional ambulation; and transporting objects. The ability to perform functional activities and tasks without restriction

functional muscle testing
thử cơ chức năng. Performance-based muscle assessment in particular positions stimulating functional tasks and activities and usually under specific test conditions

functional position
tư thế chức năng. Hand configuration predominantly used in hand splinting in the past decades for hands that required immobilization. It involves 20 to 30 degrees wrist extension, 45 degrees metacarpal joint flexion, 30 degrees proximal interpha-langeal joint flexion, and 20 degrees distal interphalangeal joint flexion, with the thumb abducted

functional reach
(phép đo) vươn tới chức năng.

A simple clinical measure of functional balance that quantifies one's forward reach capacity prior to loss of balance. Measures one's ability to move center of gravity to the margins of the base-of-support.

functional reserve
dự trự chức năng . Refers to the excess or redundant function that is present in virtually all physiologic systems

đáy (dạ dày, tử cung).

The top upper portion of the uterus

đinh nhọt

A painful nodule formed in the skin by circumscribed inflammation of the corium and subcutaneous tissue, enclosing a central slough or "core." It is caused by bacteria, which enter through the hair follicles or sudoriparous glands.

Một nốt đau hình thành trên da do viêm bao quanh mô đệm và mô dưới da, bao quanh một lớp vảy trung tâm hoặc "lõi". Nguyên nhân là do vi khuẩn xâm nhập qua nang lông hoặc tuyến mồ hôi.

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